Hey Guys,

Since they are generated, +1 to:

 *   adding a filepattern to svn:ignore to ignore them
 *   updating build.xml to autogenerate


On 7/2/10 3:24 AM, "Julien Nioche" <lists.digitalpeb...@gmail.com> wrote:

(This question is mostly to Dogacan & Enis, but I encourage anyone familiar 
with the code to join the threads with [Nutchbase] - the sooner the better ;) ).

I'm looking at src/gora/webpage.avsc and WebPage.java & friends... presumably 
the java code was autogenerated from avsc using Gora? If so, we should put this 
autogeneration step in our build.xml. Or am I missing something?

correct. if we keep the generated java classes in svn then we probably want to 
make this task optional i.e. it would not be done as part of the build tasks OR 
we can add it to the build but remove it from svn (or better add to svn ignore 
or whatever-it-is-called).


Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
Senior Computer Scientist
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Office: 171-266B, Mailstop: 171-246
Email: chris.mattm...@jpl.nasa.gov
WWW:   http://sunset.usc.edu/~mattmann/
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA

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