(sending this to d...@nutch instead of old nutch-...@lucene)

Over at http://search-lucene.com we index Nutch's mailing lists, wiki, web 
source code, javadoc, jira...

Would the community be interested in a patch that adds another search option to 
the search box on nutch.apache.org?

I happened to try a few searches from nutch.a.o just now (now: yesterday) and I 
got stuff like this:

  Found 189 results in 6.211 seconds. Displaying page 1 of 19, sorted by
  Found 12,808 results in 64.342 seconds. Displaying page 1 of 1,281, sorted by

Note the times.  Ouch!
This makes me think having an alternative option would be a good thing to have.

Assuming people are for this, any suggestions for how the search should 
by default or any specific instructions for how the search box should be 
modified would be great!


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