
Firstly let me separate some things here for clarification before we
discuss the TestAPI in more detail.

On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 11:28 AM, Ferdy Galema <ferdy.gal...@kalooga.com>wrote:

>  Then, "rm build/ runtime/ -r" followed by "ant runtime" and "ant test"
> and suddenly TestAPI worked!

My own advice is, if your wanting to clean out your working copy of
Nutchgora then use "ant clean" check out some of the other tasks, I think
they are nearer the bottom of the build.xml

> By the way, could somebody explain what the difference is between the
> following two build jobs?
> https://builds.apache.org/job/**Nutch-nutchgora-ant/<https://builds.apache.org/job/Nutch-nutchgora-ant/>
> https://builds.apache.org/job/**Nutch-nutchgora/<https://builds.apache.org/job/Nutch-nutchgora/>
> In Nutch-nutchgora, it works perfectly fine.

OK so Nutch-nutchgora-ant was a temporary build that Oliver Lamy set up,
this was when our builds were really in the sh*t and was an on the fly
solution to getting a test of sorts up and running. The reason it has
remained is that it has simply slipped under the radar until you brought it

Hopefully this has clarified some of the smaller points you make here
Ferdy. In all honesty, we can progress with killing the Nutch-nutchgora-ant
and Nutch-trunk-ant builds. Actually I will disable them both just now.
There is no harm in having disabled builds stored in the Nutch Jenkins area.

Please read other thread for my other input on the TestAPI fiasco.

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