Having got u-boot to actually do something, I now have a board that 
powers up autonomously and runs nsh with no intervention from me. Quite 

As a step towards it booting my own (barely started) app I thought I'd 
play around with booting other example apps, and went for lvgldemo.

This works just fine called from the nsh, but crashes very early on if 
set as the startup program.

- I have traced it a little way through so know it is calling the 
lvgldemo main function. If I don't specify which demo to run in 
INIT_ARGS it correctly prompts me that it needs this argument. With it 
set to "music" or "widgets" (which both usually work just fine) it fails.

- I have looked at Alan's (?) video (#047) but nothing I've missed 
according to that.

- I changed the lvgldemo stack size from the default 4096 to 65535 and 
same behaviour. And done a distclean etc.

- I tried another (much simpler) program (uniqueid) and that runs fine.

Anyone seen anything similar? This is a good time for me to learn any 
must-know stuff when it comes to running graphics apps at startup!

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