
I would finish to convert the ContentService.xml from minilang to groovy and close some work already done (with few rewrite code) and I fall on two really old service (pre apache) 'getPublicForumMessage' and 'assocContent' that I propose de deprecate them.

The first 'getPublicForumMessage' indicate that is to call a content without permission but the service has the attribute auth='true' (since 2007) and just call 'getContentAndDataResource'. So I suggest to deprecated it and replace it directly by 'getContentAndDataResource'

The second assocContent create an association between to content like createContentAssoc, the difference is it call checkAssocPermission, service with  a Todo : `<!-- TODO: old permission service; being replaced with genericContentPermission -->`.

If someone can check and confirm (or not) my proposal, it'll mostly appreciate :)


[1] OFBIZ-11378, OFBIZ-11387 and OFBIZ-11388
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        Nicolas Malin
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