On 5/11/2012 1:28 AM, Adam Heath wrote:
On 05/10/2012 06:58 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
On 5/11/2012 12:45 AM, Adam Heath wrote:
On 05/10/2012 06:40 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
I wanted to discuss this again.

Some time ago I modified my local copy of OFBiz to execute the the ant
run-install task faster by using multi-threaded entity creation and
data loading. I don't remember what i was working on at the time, but
I needed the process to run much faster.

Adam and I discussed my design and he said it sounded like it was
similar to SEDA (http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~mdw/proj/seda/).
Actually, my approach was not that sophisticated, I just used a
consumer-provider design pattern based on a FIFO queue.

Anyway, based on that conversation, Adam committed the multi-threaded
entity creation/data loading code

The work Adam committed greatly improved the database creation/data
loading time.

In this Jira issue, Adam mentions how transactions are tied to a
single thread. This is due to a fundamental weakness in OFBiz - the
use of ThreadLocal variables. In order to truly remove the bottlenecks
in OFBiz, we need to avoid the use of ThreadLocal variables - because
they prohibit handing off tasks to other threads. The Execution
Context proposed by David Jones some time ago is a step in the right
direction, but it uses ThreadLocal variables too.
My statement has *nothing* to do with ThreadLocal(well, at least not
used by ofbiz). javax.transaction is for the *current* thread. When
an xml import is requested, it *must* be done in the current thread,
in the current transaction. It's not possible to suspend the
transaction for the foreground thread, and resume it in the
background(I tried).

I may not have explained myself fully in the jira issue, or maybe you
didn't understand. In any case, the rest of your explanation seems to
not apply now.

I did not understand that the transaction-to-thread relationship was
required in the javax.transaction API. That is a real problem. It makes
me wonder how SEDA-style designs can work in transaction-based

In this case, you also can't split each row in the xml into a separate threead(transaction deadlock), nor into batches in separate threads(postgresql has delayed foreign key resolution).

In a more general sense, javax.transaction has resource callbacks that happen at various transaction states. Those have to run in the foreground.

In a more general sense, the foreground thread made have added callbacks to the general purpose container. Said container needs to be careful about which parts it puts into the background. For instance, UtilCache has support for listeners when things get added/removed. Those also should be run in the foreground.

The only parts that can be pushed onto other work systems must be *completely* controlled. *No* abstact classes or interfaces, or otherwise the control code can't guarantee what is happening. This generalization is the same as the locking requirements talked about by Java Concurrency in Practice.

If you really want to improve threading in ofbiz, a good first start would be removing 'synchronized' from places. But that is tricky if you haven't done it before. I've got several commits locally that remove synchronized from lots of places, but need time to finish them off.

Btw, I wasn't trying to improve the threading, I was trying to improve responsiveness under heavy load. The feedback loop in SEDA prevents a user from encountering a request that seems to lock-up or timeout due to a busy server.


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