Hi Roger,
You've come at exactly the right time. We are actually having a ConCall
this coming Thursday to discuss the direction/roadmap for the project. It
would be great if you could join us and we can possibly provide some more
insight there.
The call in details are as follows
Our roadmap telecon is scheduled for Thursday, 2014-08-07, at 17:00 UTC.

Time conversions (and iCal/vCal links): http://s.apache.org/00S

To dial in:

International: +1-650-479-3208
US Toll-Free: +1-877-668-4493
Other Toll-Free: http://s.apache.org/globalcallin
Access Code: 2329 5771

I hope as many of us as possible join in the discussion!

In addition we are also revamping the OODT website (staging can be found at
http://oodt.staging.apache.org) we are working to simplify the
documentation as well as make it clearer as to what OODT 'actually does'.

You may wish to take the vagrant radix image for a spin. This is the most
simple and direct manner to get up and running with trying OODT out.
Also the wiki is where most of our documentation actually resides. It is
actively being added to.

On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 2:01 PM, Roger Carter <rogercarte...@gmail.com>

> Hi Everyone,
> I'm new to the apache scene; I have experience with Matlab and minimal
> experience with Python. This seems like a powerful tool and I'd like to
> learn more. If anyone is willing to provide reccomendations for resources
> or detail their experiences in learning Apache OODT, I would be most
> grateful.
> Thanks,
> Roger


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