On Feb 13, 2006, at 10:53 PM, Jeremy Whitlock wrote:

     Yeah.  I can document that stuff from a user perspective and from
possibly an extension provider perspective. I'll be sure to keep you in

I was referring to creating an unstable build for people to kick around. No worries, I whipped one up here:


If you can update this page, that would be great. You don't need to keep the old build info up. Just change everything to point to the new one.

A side note, the confluenza caching i hacked seems to be broken at the moment, so once you update that wiki page, hit this url:


Then send a note off to the user list.



Take care,


On 2/13/06, David Blevins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Feb 13, 2006, at 9:18 PM, Jeremy Whitlock wrote:

     No problem.  I will give the list a few days to comment and
then I will
take care of this.  I will document along the way.

Cool.  You could even put up a dated build for people to try for the
next few days, then work on the rest of the stuff later.

We did make a few changes, namely the command stuff, that went in
after the latest unstable build that people have been hammering on.


Take care,


On 2/13/06, David Blevins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Jeremy, thanks for volunteering to help with a 1.0 final release.
Here is the script i used to do the beta 1 release:


mkdir -p $DIST

cvs -d ':pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/projects/openejb/ scm'
co -r v1_0beta1 -d $RELEASE_ID openejb1

function shash { openssl $1 < $2 > $2.$1 ;}
function fail () { echo $1 >&2; exit 1;}
function package () {
     DEST=$1; SOURCE=$2
     tar czf $DEST.tar.gz $SOURCE
     zip -9rq $DEST.zip $SOURCE

package $DIST/${RELEASE_ID}-src $RELEASE_ID || fail "Unable to create
source binaries"

( cd $RELEASE_ID && maven -o -Dmaven.{itest,test}.skip=true ) || fail
"Build failed"

( cd $RELEASE_ID/$BIN_DIR && package $DIST/${RELEASE_ID}
$RELEASE_ID ) || fail "Unable to make binary archives"


Obviously, it needs to be updated here and there, namely around svn.

I think we are pretty much good to go on the 1.0, unless anyone has
anything else we may have forgotten.  Obviously we'd need to create
release notes of some kind.  You can copy from this page:



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