On 4/11/06, David Blevins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Which code needed the kernel?  I thought I squished all the references.

I think it was openejb-core that blew up when no geronimo-kernel jar
was available. I'll have to tell you that I'm not at all sure what I'm
doing as the only goal I want to achive is to be able to run 'mvn
clean package' successfully. Possibly, I should've done a better
investigation regarding the use of geronimo-kernel, but it's not my
point at the moment (sorry if it'd had to be).

To be honest, whenever I run mvn in OpenEJB 3 I'm getting lots of
build errors and wonder how it works for you or Jeff who has also
contributed some changes. Are you doing special steps to build OpenEJB
3 and it's me who is unable to repeat such simple steps or... Anyway,
I'm going to get it building soon. Looking into it.

> -David


Jacek Laskowski

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