On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 03:37:05PM -0400, Alexandre Dube wrote:
> Hi Everybody,
>     Is it ok if the Scale control registers a "moveend" event instead of a 
> "zoomend" ?  To recalculate the scale after panning doesn't look very useful 
> to me.  What do you think ?

At some point in the future, the scale control may actually use geodesic
measurements for determining measurements: in a case where you have a
global map, scale is obviously not the same everywhere (think a Mercator
map), and there has been some rumbling from people that they are unable
to use the scale control because it doesn't match the Google
Maps-created expectation that the scalebar will change as you drag north
and south on a Mercator projected map. 

Christopher Schmidt
Dev mailing list

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