On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 7:22 PM, Alexandre Dube<ad...@mapgears.com> wrote:
> Eric Lemoine wrote:
>> Alexandre
>> I now understand one of your problems, you need to give the handler a
>> reference to the control, but the control does not exist yet since
>> you're actually creating it. Giving the handler a fake control, of the
>> form {map: map} (where map is the map instance) should do the trick.
>> I think handlers do not actually require a reference to the control,
>> they just need a reference to the map (to register listeners). So I
>> don't understand why we have this constraint. Anyone involved in the
>> design of handlers knows?
> Mmm... I understand, but since I need to use callbacks on "handler" events,
> I think it's simpler to create my control the way I already did it.  I won't
> go any further in this example.


> I still agree with automatic controls and handlers activation/deactivation.
>  Attached an new patch with the simple changes needed.  Is it ok ?  If it
> is, I'll open a ticket.

Ok to me.

Thanks Alexandre,

Eric Lemoine

Camptocamp France SAS
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