And I should add, it's open season on deprecated code!  If you're handy 
with git, fork the central repo, look for "deprecated" or "3.0" and 
start hacking.  Make small, coherent changes.  Run tests to make sure 
they still pass.  Then send pull requests.

Until we settle on a process, you should also open a ticket 
( *) and describe your 
changes.  This may end up being easier to deal with than pull requests.

Don't be shy with those forks:


* I don't mean to imply that all new OL issues should be put here.  And 
in fact nothing related to 2.x should be opened here.  If it gets too 
scattered, we should talk about disabling the GitHub issue tracker.  But 
I do think that as long as we're trying git & GitHub for v3 development, 
we should see how the whole thing works for us.  (Personally, I don't 
really like the issue tracker, but I'm open to trying it.)

On 6/30/10 3:56 PM, Tim Schaub wrote:
> Hey-
> As discussed in the IRC meeting on OL3, we'll be trying out git for
> development toward 3.0 and are hosting the central repository on GitHub.
> The current svn trunk committers that have GitHub accounts have been
> added as collaborators for that repository.  Anybody can fork, make
> changes, and send pull requests.  (Apologies to early forkers/watchers
> for deleting and recreating the repository before.)
> The [1] at the repository root describes the process for
> making changes to the central repository.  This is relevant to current
> trunk committers.  As we go along, we'll work on a process that works
> for everyone (or at least works well).
> Only the first section of that document will be relevant for most folks.
>    The part on merging changes from subversion is only relevant for
> people who will be pulling in 2.x changes.
> That's it for now.  Discussion welcome.
> Tim
> [1]:

Tim Schaub
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