On 1/4/13 8:48 AM, Drew Jensen wrote:
> Thanks,
> Also, on the accessibility updates, I noted on the wiki page some dates.
> Looks like preliminary updates are in the current build as of Oct, but
> first useful updates not till next month, and full merge middle of the year
> - so is that the same basic timing before the UI changes will show up in
> the nightly builds also, early February?

accessibility is special because it is a lot of work, it simply takes time.

Probably snapshots with some basic sidebars will be available in early
February yes, we are making good progress with the framework. It's still
some work to do ;-)


> On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 2:36 AM, Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> On 1/4/13 8:29 AM, Drew Jensen wrote:
>>> Howdy,
>>> Sorry, if this is old stuff - I don't really see an answer in the mail
>>> archive (not saying it isn't there).
>>> This is kind of in response to Shenfeng Liu's response, which I just
>> read,
>>> on the thread deailing the top 10 questions blog. He wrote:
>>> How about this for question 8?
>>> Q: 8. "When is OpenOffice going to get a visual refresh and be built with
>>> each OSes native widgets?"
>>> A: Visual refresh is part of our continuous effort on user experience
>>> improvement. It is a challenge work to innovate with modern UI vs.
>> support
>>> gradual transformation of huge amount of existing users, leverage OSes
>>> native widgets vs. keep consistent L&F across platforms. Our UX designers
>>> and developers are working together on it, and you will notice some
>>> improvements in 4.0 which is coming around 2nd quarter. The more feedback
>>> we get from you, the better design we can make.
>>>  --- so my question.
>>> I've downloaded the 3.5 daily build, Linux and Windows.
>>> Is this what is going to be the 4.0 release?
>> no, it is not the final version. We are still working on some UI
>> improvements, first versions of property sidebars and a reworked
>> toolpanel concept that makes it even more attractive for extension
>> developers. Some further improvements like renewed gallery with vector
>> graphics etc.
>> And yes we are planning for a 4.0 because of the UI changes.
>> Juergen

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