I'm reading FUD, from the usual misinformed suspects, saying that the
"IBM donation to AOO is pure marketing fluff" and "IBM faked the
donation of the Symphony code" and "IBM did not donate anything".   I
can certainly sympathize with leaders of communities that can only be
held together by irrational fears.  It is not easy to maintain that
peak level of paranoia.

You may count me old-fashioned, but I have a bit of nostalgia for the
old days where we simply told the truth.  Anyone who cares to look can
see that we've actually integrated quite a but of Symphony code into
the AOO trunk already.   For example, the following 167 bug fixes,
from Symphony, are fixed in the trunk.   This is in addition to the
larger pieces that will be merged in branches first.

There are many more fixes where those came from, and anyone is welcome
to help merge or test them.



ID      Summary
121126  [From Symphony]User-definded format code is lost with a cell
which value is TRUE or FALSE when importing xls file
121073  [From Symphony]Loading performance for xls file with row
banded style is bad
121058  [From Symphony]To open a sample file contains chart with large
data source can lead to AOO crash
121001  [From Symphony]Macro doesn't work if click "Undo" button
120962  [From Symphony]Chart data lost if the source data refers to a
range name which is defined as a reference formula
120885  [From Symphony]Sample file's table border is missing
120881  [From Symphony]Page number in footer display incorrectly
120864  [From Symphony]Text is overlapped by the drawing object when
open the .doc file
120848  [From Symphony]"Fit shape to text" property not work after
openning ppt by AOO
120839  [From Symphony]It costs too much memory to open a large
spreadsheet file containing pivot tables
120773  [From Symphony] Numbering will lose when saving or opening a ppt file
120769  [From Symphony]Color of underline display wrongly
120764  [From Symphony] Grid size for snake wipe transition too fine
120759  [From Symphony]Bookmark value changed when opening the doc file
120750  [From Symphony] Repeat count of animations ignored.
120749  [From Symphony] Fill color animations run too fast
120730  [From Symphony] Table changes to multiple shapes after saved in AOO
120718  [From Symphony]after save the sample file with page border and
shadow to doc, the shadow depth and color changed
120717  [From Symphony]The graphic's spacing is not correct when open
the .doc file
120716  [From Symphony]The graphic's border size and spacing is not
correct when open the .doc file
120684  [From Symphony] Animation color is not exported correctly to PPT.
120654  [From Symphony]Number range variable filed shows in AOO
120582  [From Symphony] import of Microsoft Word document: indent of
certain paragraphs in list is wrong
120578  [From Symphony]the text properties from table style are lost
for table in the docx file
120576  [From Symphony]the background color from table style are lost
for table in the docx file
120573  [From Symphony]Page number in footer alignment changed after saved
120554  [From Symphony]Shape Gradient MS2003 import/export Enhancement
120437  [From Symphony]Connector line does not shown correctly in
grouped object
120233  [From Symphony] characters at the beginning of each lines in
shape are lost when loading the sample ppt in AOO
120230  [From Symphony] disable antialiased lines for background hatches
120224  [From Symphony]Cell text direction changed after saved as doc file
120165  [From Symphony]Impress crashed when play screen show with sample file
120158  [From Symphony]Time format is different than MS Office
120143  [From Symphony]the text in textbox display paritially when
opening .ppt file
120140  [From Symphony]After doc file saved by AOO, one more section
is created
120133  [From Symphony]Doc file saved by AOO, section size changed
120051  [From Symphony]the text in the table turn to black from white
when opening the pptx file
120039  [From Symphony]the background of the file create from template
'blue_floral.otp' changed after save as the ppt or pot file
120017  [From Symphony]Filter is not shown in merged cell
119999  [From Symphony]Need press "ESC" key twice to exist chart edit mode
119994  [From Symphony]Cannot modify the second document even if close
range picker in first document
119989  [From Symphony]Pie chart height becomes greater when open Excel file
119974  [From Symphony]Ellipse shape display too large in MS office
after save odp file to ppt format file
119972  [From Symphony]Formula GETPIVOTDATA returns #REF! value
119966  [From Symphony] The Emphasis or Exit or Motion Path effect can
not play if there is an Entrance effect after it.
119965  [From Symphony] Picture missing when saving ODP file
119964  [From Symphony]Number displays different from MS with the same
format code
119963  [From Symphony]TOC should not be updated if load doc in Writer
119962  [From Symphony]Placeholder in ppt file created by MS 2007 is
lost if load in Impress
119960  [From Symphony]Text outside quotation cannot be paste in cell
119959  [From Symphony]Application crashed if undo paste text from shape
119956  [From Symphony]Crash if undo redo creating data pilot from
imported data
119955  [From Symphony]Application crash if insert sample file to section
119954  [From Symphony]Application crashed if undo/redo covert nest
table to text
119953  [From Symphony]Undo redo insert file cause application crashed
119952  [From Symphony]Cannot open sample file
119945  [From Symphony]Application crashed if undo add caption to
drawing object
119943  [From Symphony]Underline "_" can not work with ";" in format
code, the semicolon will always be regarded as separator
119942  [From Symphony]Last agrument of formula should not be removed
119941  [From Symphony] Removing chart in odt file, it causes a crash.
119922  [From Symphony]Graphic in header and footer can not be
displayed correctly
119912  [From Symphony]Crash when redo split the pasted table
119907  [From Symphony] Number formating are changed after save and
reopen it again.
119889  [From Symphony] Import .pptx file into OO3.4, the vertical
text direction of the table will be lost.
119888  [From Symphony]Shape border and fill color lost if open the
ppt doc via AOO
119887  [From Symphony]Shape shadow position changed incorrect if open
the ppt doc via AOO
119884  [From Symphony]Fontwork alignment changes after saving to
another ppt with AOO
119877  [From Symphony]The graphic background in left table display
incorrectly when using AOO open the sample .ppt file
119875  [From Symphony] Vertical text direction in table cell change
to horizontal after saving to another .ppt by AOO
119874  [From Symphony]The vertical text alignment of the placeholder
is wrong while opening the ppt file in AOO
119872  [From Symphony]all drawing objects lost aftering saving to
another ppt by AOO
119870  [From Symphony]Line transparency value is lost after saving as
another ppt by AOO
119868  [From Symphony]Graphic bullet is incorrect in the .ppt doc
which saved via AOO
119866  [From Symphony]The bullet in outline area lost after openning by AOO
119864  [From Symphony]Some shapes in master page lose after save to
another ppt by AOO
119860  [From Symphony]The position of conncector change after save to
another ppt by AOO
119831  [From Symphony]Froze when saving the doc file to another one.
119766  [From Symphony]TOC jumping function lost if save document by AOO
119755  [From Symphony]star and symbol shape in ppt changed after
openning by AOO
119750  [From Symphony]Transparency setting of Fill color lost in cell
119740  [From Symphony]animation flash once doesn't work after save
the ppt by aoo
119711  [From Symphony]exit animation changed after save as ppt file
to another ppt
119660  [From Symphony]Page number lost if save template to doc format
119658  [From Symphony] Some numbering format not support
119657  [From Symphony] Additional dot appear after the numbering.
119654  [From Symphony]Apply Envelope page style cause application crash
119653  [From Symphony]Crash after delete column(s) from chart's
source table, and then adjusted table size
119652  [From Symphony][Crash]When press "Ctrl+Shift+Backspace" in
table cell "A1" ,Undo,crash
119650  [From Symphony]Font size increased if saved by AOO
119649  [From Symphony]Hyperlink font size increased if saved to .doc file
119637  [From Symphony] Function "Case sensitive" in "Special Filter"
dialog can not work.
119634  [From Symphony]Shape shadow lost if load .doc file in AOO
119632  [From Symphony]Macro button lost if save template to .doc file
119631  [From Symphony]Teardrop shape can not show correct in pptx sample file
119629  [From Symphony]Bullet color is lost when open pptx sample file
119628  [From Symphony]Arrow shape changed is save doc file by AOO
119621  [From Symphony]Outline level in sample file lost
119620  [From Symphony]the .doc page number is incorrect when opened
in aoo 3.4
119612  [From Symphony][BiDi]The order of Hebraic string are changed
after save as new .doc
119609  [From Symphony]Alphabetical and roman numberals became ditial
119607  [From Symphony] Text font spacing in comments doesn't
expand/condense by the expected value
119592  [From Symphony] The left-style columns display with the same
width when opening with AOO
119587  [From Symphony]MS Word that has Table that with Text wrap
around the table can not be shown correctly
119581  [From Symphony] MS's Macro button symbol can't correct display
in aoo 3.4
119579  [From Symphony]][BIDI]The position and direction of Right
bracket is incorrect in Arabic locale
119576  [From Symphony]Paragraph indent and spacing between bullets
and text are inconsistent with MS word
119570  [From Symphony]the content display mess when open the sample in AOO3.4
119567  [From Symphony]WMF graphic size changed too small to see if
saved by AOO
119560  [From Symphony]The text box style display incorrectly when
open the sample in AOO3.4
119559  [From Symphony]Vertical letters in "VerticalText" fontwork get
horizontal when opening .ppt file
119558  [From Symphony] Table rows get heighter when opening a .docx
file with AOO 3.4
119557  [From Symphony] Column header can not be displayed correclty
in AOO3.4 after open the xls file.
119555  [From Symphony]font size of Fontwork changes from 96 to 36
after save as new .doc file
119553  [From Symphony]Text anchor in subtitle text box is changed
from Top to Center when open a pot template in AOO3.4
119552  [From Symphony] Can't pop up protect password dialog when
attempt to unprotect sheet with password for xls file in AOO.
119551  [From Symphony]Can't open by MS Office correctly when save
sample file contain line with text to ppt format file
119549  [From Symphony]Position of drawing obj incorrect when opening
.doc in aoo 3.4 if the text direction of the whole document is
119548  [From Symphony]paragraph>pagination>Window/Orphan control
setting lost after save the .doc file by aoo 3.4
119547  [From Symphony]The title text is Align left in sample file,
while in MS Office ,it is align right.
119546  [From Symphony]he table border got lost when open the .ppt file in AOO
119545  [From Symphony]The title text is not Italic in Studio design
template like that in MS Office.
119544  [From Symphony] sequence number is not displayed when open docx
119538  [From Symphony]Failed to open sample file but no any feedback to user
119537  [From Symphony]<Shape><Extrusion>The Extrusion direction of
shape can't be saved correctly
119536  [From Symphony]arrow change size and position in MS after save
odp to ppt format
119535  [From Symphony]Trendline of two Data Series can't be displayed
but after edit it the trendline will be showed correctly
119532  [From Symphony]the bullet color display incorrectly in AOO3.4
119530  [From Symphony]the subtitle area of ppt file display
incorrectly in AOO3.4
119524  [From Symphony]Can not open the sample ppt file which contain
vb controls in the slide master.
119523  [From Symphony]The line indent change after save once by AOO
119520  [From Symphony]the right brace shape cannot display after save
the sample .odt file to .doc file then reopen in aoo
119519  [From Symphony] One shape's border cannot be displayed completely
119518  [From Symphony]Text and fill color in a table are lost while
opening a ppt file
119517  [From Symphony]Text in a text box can not be displayed correctly
119516  [From Symphony]a pic in the .doc file cannot display in Aoo 3.4
119515  [From Symphony] The numbering in table cell changes to bullets
when saved in AOO
119514  [From Symphony]Item lists are incorrectly imported by Symphony.
119513  [From Symphony]Picture is lost when opening sample PPT file
119512  [From Symphony] Import file created by MS Excel, if there is
blank item selected in Page filed of Pivot Table, the selection will
be lost.
119510  [From Symphony]one column is lost if opened in AOO
119502  [From Symphony][Crash]When save the file as ppt, AOO crashes
119496  [From Symphony]PPT Import:Word Art becomes larger
119495  [From Symphony]Arrow style of line changes after save the
sample file to a new .ppt file.
119493  [From Symphony] AOO crash if a connector which connected to PPT table
119492  [From Symphony]The .xlsx sample file is opened with modified state
119491  [From Symphony]Under Handout view mode, Header&Footer displays
inconsistent with the one presented in MS PowerPoint
119487  [From Symphony]Images lose macro association when open Excel
file in AOO.
119485  [From Symphony]TOC lost if saved by AOO
119478  [From Symphony]PPT Import:Cell background color in table gets
lost while opening a ppt file with AOO
119477  [From Symphony]PPT Export: Diagram bullet can not be displayed
correctly after saved as *.ppt in AOO
119470  [From Symphony]page number in header lost when we save the
.doc file as another in web layout
119468  [From Symphony]Picture shadow lost after saved by AOO
119467  [From Symphony]Form controls cannot be saved into .ppt file in AOO3.4
119464  [From Symphony]text alignment changed from left to center when
importing the docx
119459  [From Symphony]The position of Shape (connectors) in slide is
incorrect after save once by AOO3.4.
119450  [From Symphony]The image OLE's icon doesn't display correctly
in Aoo3.4
119446  [From Symphony]Formula field lost
119443  [From Symphony]the shape 3D property effect in MS PPT can't be
load correctly.
119440  [From Symphony]Some field is not shown
118905  [From Symphony]White block( on Mac and Black block on Windows)
appears if click somewhere else in presentation
118879  [From Symphony] Presentation crashed if exit screen show
118878  [From Symphony] Writer crash after modify properties of new Frame
118877  [From Symphony] Calc crashes when Redo refreshing data
118876  [From Symphony] Create summary slide in .odp file which has
expanded blank slides in,there is a crash.
118851  [From Symphony] Calc crashed if paste unsupport formula from MS Excel
108874  [From Symphony] Worksheet.Change event works not correctly
108863  [From Symphony] Application.Run could not work correctly

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