On 25.02.2013 11:21, Andre Fischer wrote:
> Am 25.02.2013 08:03, schrieb Xin Li:
>> Hi Ariel,
>> Thanks for your concern about the issue of color customization. I think we
>> need to **discuss this issue as two parts:
>> 1. Do we need to create the new look and feel for AOO?
>> We always say that the current look and feel for AOO is out of style.  We
>> know that AOO just use the system color by default. But if we want AOO
>> looks more modern and fashion, we need to do some change, we need to have
>> new design for default look and feel. You can see that most of  the PC
>> software have their own default look and feel, like: MSO, Photoshop, Adobe
>> Illustrator and so on. I think if the default visual style of software is
>> good, the requirements of change color will be smaller.
>> 2.User also can change to other colors if we have default new look and feel.
>> We create new look and feel does not mean that we forbid user change color.
>> User can also change color if they don't like the default look and feel.
>> And I think the reasonable way is user can change the whole interface with
>> sidebar to other colors.
> I will try this week to find some time to play with the colors. On
> Windows we are not so far away from the system colors, anyway. Maybe it
> is good enough to use the cleaner look (not so many lines and boxes and
> title bars as the old (Impress) taskpanel) together with the system
> colors. Besides, the system colors still offer some choice. And we can
> modify them a little bit like in the Impress slide sorter. Its selection
> color is based on the system selection color but is made a little
> brighter (I think). There are a lot of knobs to turn. Lets see what I
> can do.

I have uploaded three screenshots (Windows, Ubuntu, Mac) for a slightly
modified color scheme. Colors are based on system colors as provided by
the StyleSettings class. I used the result of GetDialogColor() as base
for most background colors. Panel, deck and tab bar use it unmodified.
For the panel title bar I use a second color that is the dialog color
with a modified luminance (-15). That same darker color is also used for
the border around the deck. The border of tab buttons uses

Please have a look: http://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Sidebar#Status

I have not yet checked in my changes but will do if anybody is interested.


> -Andre
>> Thanks.
>> 2013/2/21 Ariel Constenla-Haile <arie...@apache.org>
>>> Hi Xin Li,
>>> On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 04:20:25PM +0800, Xin Li wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Thanks for your votes and your feedback.
>>>> I have summarized all votes from Facebook and mail list. The result is :
>>>> A1:8        A2:7        A3:6
>>>> B1:8        B2:8        B3:10
>>>> C1:3        C2:2        C3:5
>>>> For control style, it seems that many user prefer proposal B (Simple line
>>>> separator). As Kevin's suggestion,noise reduction and consistency would
>>> be
>>>> best. So separators between clusters may be better. So we use separators
>>>> between clusters to separate the buttons of cluster.
>>>> For content panel color, it seems that there no obvious winner. I would
>>>> like to share my thoughts on the visual style because it is already
>>> relate
>>>> to color topic when we do the side bar migration. As we discussed before,
>>>> the current grey color used in AOO is dark and looks out of style. We
>>>> should do some light-weight change in AOO.
>>> If you see something gray in the user interface, it is because your
>>> system uses that color for painting that particular object. If a user
>>> doesn't like gray, s/he has to simply switch the desktop theme.
>>> Moving away from the system's style settings only renders the sidebar as
>>> something that does not "fit" with the rest of the application/desktop:
>>> http://people.apache.org/~arielch/images/sidebar/
>>> These screen shots are from different GTK themes, the sidebar is
>>> obviously not following the rest of the application (the Navigator is
>>> side-by-side to show this fact).
>>> Regards
>>> --
>>> Ariel Constenla-Haile
>>> La Plata, Argentina

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