Am 21.03.2013 17:28, schrieb Rob Weir:
> I'd like to do some interviews, via email, with OpenOffice extension
> authors.  These would be featured on the OpenOffice blog, which gets
> 5000 or so visits per day from OpenOffice users.  This is a good way
> to promote your extension.
> If you are interested in this, please send me an email, with a link to
> your extension.  I'll try it out and come back to you with questions.

Hello Rob,

I'm the author of Canzeley, a lawyers program for german lawyers. It
beases upon OpenOffice and MySQL. The client is an OpenOffice extension.

Because it's for german lawyer, all manuals are in german.

Part of Canzeley is Forderungsberechnung367.ots, which is a spreadsheed
template containing some macro code.


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