On 4/4/13 2:46 PM, Rory O'Farrell wrote:
> On Thu, 04 Apr 2013 14:22:33 +0200
> Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> in relation to our budget planning I asked myself if OpenOffice has any
>> impact on the donations to the ASF? Well I don't know and we can
>> probably figure this out but the question is what can we do ti collect
>> more donations and use our brand more effective.
>> When I look on our main website I found a tiny donation link in the
>> footer only. From my point of view this is not good enough and we should
>> think how we can improve it.
>> I can think of a much more prominent and more visible donation link or
>> whatever to make clear that OpenOffice will still benefit from donations
>> to the ASF. We have more IT requirements than other ASF projects, we
>> generate more network traffic, etc. and all this cost money.
>> Furthermore I can think of a blog post to promote this in some way and
>> do a public call for donation. We should of course do this more often
>> with any public announcement.
>> And opinions or further ideas how we can improve this? It shouldn't be a
>> big problem for us to collect the money we need.
>> Juergen
> While I understand and agree with a call for donations, do I remember that a 
> very early discussion on this list mentioned that donations to Apache could 
> not be project specific, or am I misremembering and that the mentioned 
> restriction was only flaw specific? That is, that one could donate, but could 
> not specify that the donation was to be applied to fix flaw X.

yes that is true but we can explain how AOO benefit from this donations
to ASF. I don't see this really as a big problem. But of course we have
to make this very clear.


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