Hi Ivan,

Ivan Poot Diaz schrieb:

I want to know where is the code that works on this button (Area). In the
source code.


I would like to know how it works.

The sidebar does not introduce entire new things, but uses the already existing ones. Therefore you will find most things starting with the old dialogs.

When you want to know the connection between UI and PoolItem, search for its SID and RID and tabpage. It is likely SID_COLOR_TABLE, RID_SVXPAGE_AREA, and http://opengrok.adfinis-sygroup.org/source/xref/aoo-trunk/main/cui/source/tabpages/tparea.cxx. The sidebar parts are likely in http://opengrok.adfinis-sygroup.org/source/xref/aoo-trunk/main/svx/source/sidebar/area/

If it is something different, please explain what you are looking for.

Kind regards

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  • Sidebar Area Ivan Poot Diaz
    • Re: Sidebar Area Regina Henschel

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