Depends on what you mean by a "web development program".  There's webpage
editors that you can use to prepare HTML files that can be placed on a
webserver; Dreamweaver is a big commercial name for this.  There are some
free editors too, but I don't know if any of them have commercial-grade
functionality.  You may be interested in the following links for this:

There are also packages that you can load onto a webserver that run as web
applications and act as a website, which allow you to add and modify
content online.  Have a look at

You can start at these links and find lists of software packages.  Please
note that this is not an official recommendation or endorsement of any of
them by the Apache Software Foundation.

Good luck...


On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 4:46 PM, Stephen Guesman <>wrote:

> Dear Folks -
> Does AOO have (or can recommend) a free web development program?
> I have a domain name and a host, I just need a program to develop the site.
> Seems like all the 'free web site builders' are selling the hosting and/or
> domain registry.
> Stephen Guesman
> GreenWorks Design/Build
> 205-919-6231

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