On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 4:49 AM, Andre Fischer <awf....@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 02.08.2013 14:57, Rob Weir wrote:
>> BTW, I received a more detailed note from the user, to my personal
>> mail.  It sounds like this was an unintentional use of drag & drop
>> rather than a bug in how drag & drop works.
>> It looks like there is a system-wide registry setting for rag & drop
>> sensitivity in Windows:
>> http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-performance/can-you-turn-off-drag-and-drop-in-windows-7/81804779-a061-e011-8dfc-68b599b31bf5
> The link above leads to a community forum that explains how to change the
> values of registry entry'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop'.  To me
> that does not look like something other applications (like AOO) should use.

I don't think we should set a value there.  But if a value is already
set there, is there a reason why we should not follow it?

Drag & drop is across applications as well, e..g, from browser to
OpenOffice, as well as intra-app.  So it make sense for there to be a
system-wide setting for sensitivity.


> -Andre
>> But I don't know whether OpenOffice follows that setting or not.
>> I suggest we treat this like an accessibility issue.  Some users may
>> have limited finger coordination and accidentally invoke drag & drop.
>> But it will be best if we can hook into OS-level accessibility
>> settings for this.  For example, we don't have "sticky keys" support
>> or a setting for determining how fast a pair of clicks must be to be
>> considered a double-click.  We rely on the OS for that.   If we could
>> do something similar for drag & drop that would be great.
>> -Rob
>> On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 8:22 AM, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 4:26 AM, Andris Vanags [Multistate]
>>> <andris.van...@multistate.co.uk> wrote:
>>>> Please disable the DRAG AND DROP (probably called a feature but it's
>>>> really a bug), or put in an option to disable it.
>>>> I've just noticed that I've ruined a spreadsheet that's taken years to
>>>> produce with data recorded in it daily.
>>> Could you say a bit more about exactly how drag & drop caused
>>> problems?  Did it crash your machine?  Did it work incorrectly?  Or
>>> are you saying that you were not aware of drag & drop and so you
>>> caused changes to your spreadsheet that you did not intend?
>>> It would be good to narrow down the issue, so we can see whether this
>>> is a bug in drag & drop itself, or something else.
>>> Regards,
>>> -Rob
>>>> Today I've found it's now all crap, useless, irreparable, a total waste
>>>> of some 7 years work and research!
>>>> Why didn't I create backups? I did, but the unadulterated ones are
>>>> (before using open office calc)  now well over a year old, so all the data
>>>> entered since then is lost or patchy/intermittent at best; all the
>>>> continuity is gone! Thanks for that!   Seven years of work destroyed 
>>>> because
>>>> someone didn't have the brains to disable this data ruining feature!
>>>> I have to revert to Microsoft where this evil feature can be disabled
>>>> and start work all over again. It really does go to show that there's a big
>>>> difference between professionally produced packages and something that's
>>>> free or just knocked up in someone's bedroom!
>>>> If you want to help your users, get someone to look at this abomination
>>>> before more work is irretrievably ruined.
>>>> This email and any files transmitted with it  are confidential
>>>> and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to
>>>> whom they are addressed.
>>>> If you receive this message in error, please notify:
>>>> andris.van...@multistate.co.uk
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