On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 12:48 PM, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:

> Another approach would be via a feed that is loaded by AOO itself at
> first load.  Many products have something like that, a tips dialog
> that gives a new tip every time the product starts, or once a week or
> something.

I would recommend against having the product dependent on making an
internet connection on startup.  That might interfere with people who work
offline or have iffy connections.

But a lot of products have a pop-up on startup with tips, which I assume
are packaged with the product.  That can be made optional, it can cycle
through tips or select from them randomly, it can allow the users to page
through the tips if they want, and you can make the tip file a periodic
mini-update without requiring an entire release.

This wouldn't necessarily preclude an email tip, but the email tips can be
ones that are new to everyone, and might eventually be added to the tip
file. (ooo-tips@ ?)


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