My simplest recomendation is to keep a stable and a 'bleeding edge'
version. That way you can use a stable for really long, complex
documents and a bleeding edge for simpler documents.

I did something like that for my browsers as well as having different
flavors. Event today I keep Caligra, AbiWord and AOO Writer for
handling my documents.

The freedom of free software allows you to expand the offering.
Currently I look at abiword and gnumerics and they have evolved from
the last time I used them. Also 3.2 which was rock
solid was a very good alternative still available.

If you think about it, Microsoft has a 3 years cycle for MSO, so in
theory you will be doing the same waiting on MSO 2015/6. has a 6/8 month cycle and major releases.

Saying all that, I would also invite you to participate on our QA
efforts generating good bug reports so we can isolate these bugs, more
information at

On 10/5/13, Bob Lee <> wrote:
> I've been using Open Office for my personal use for years.  Ever since
> "upgrading" to 4.0, I've been having more problems with the program
> randomly crashing than all of the years before.  And each time it crashes,
> I have to rebuild half the data and all of the formatting because the
> recovery function is an absolute joke.
> I've tried using Libre Office, but I don't like how they handled certain
> functions.  I've just upgraded to OO 4.01, but the next time this damn
> thing crashed I'm uninstalling it and I'll find something else to use, even
> if that means having to shell out money for MSOffice.
> Its just so sad to see what this once great open source product has become.
> Bob Lee
> Merrimack, NH

Alexandro Colorado
Apache OpenOffice Contributor

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