On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 12:08 PM, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:

> Is anyone else noticing that almost no one uses the link to report
> website issues to actually report website issues?
> I wonder whether we're making it harder for ourselves by having this
> link?  I don't mind getting support questions to the dev list, but the
> non-informative subject lines we get is unhelpful.
> Maybe send web site issue reports to Bugzilla instead?
I've never actually seen this link...just seen the results of it here.  I
assume it leads to a form?

Maybe there should be a button/link above the form that says, "If this is a
problem with OpenOffice rather than this website, click here".  Something
that takes them to a different form where they put in OS, system memory,
and (for all those "my copy has bloatware!" complaints) where they got OO


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