Hi David,

your answer is quite interesting. On one hand you write fairly rough answers to people who ask for support, on the other hand you react quite sensitively to the responses to your mail. Do you see the discrepance? Ok, I could have omitted the "conveniently" .... i apologise for this.

Your answer to John could, indeed, be interpreted to mean that you're a bit annoyed with people who have problem with an infected version of OpenOffice because it frequently happened. I did not mean to make you leave the project, that's your own - and regrettable - decision. This whole thing shows that it is necessary to be careful what we write to people who ask for support. John was angry and embarrassed that after he gave his friend a tip to use openoffice his computer was infected with malware. And then he received a seemingly "annoyed" answer and got even more angry because from your answer it must have seemed to him that you weren't taking him quite seriously.

As to the question for the link from where his friend downloaded Openoffice, you may think it doesn't help a lot to know where that is. I don't share your opinion. And it's not an excuse that other projects suffer from the same problem. Of course we need to know where these things come from because if we don't we can't do anything against it. Ok, we can't do a lot, but those requests come fairly often and I think, not enough is done about those folks who use this wonderful project as a vehicle for their malware or who exploit it to make a lot of money with it. It's not a solution not to do anything about it. What do you think happens when articles in computer magazines or online start appearing which say that OpenOffice should not be used because it "regularely comes adorned with malware" or something? That would mean real trouble!

And please do NOT turn your back on OpenOffice!


Am 23.02.2014 19:21, schrieb Dave Barton:
-------- Original Message  --------
From: Max Merbald <max.merb...@gmx.de>
To: dev@openoffice.apache.org
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2014 15:02:18 +0100

of course we are grateful for the tip.

It seems, however, that Dave did not make that clear enough.
>From John's reactionary & unnecessarily abusive response, that is
clearly the case.

He appears to be more annoyed by people who mention trouble with download than 
with those fraudulent people who provide downloads infected with malware.
100% incorrect! Regrettably, my commentary came across to John and
possibly others, in a way that it was not intended.

Please be so kind as to tell us from where you downloaded the infected version 
of OpenOffice
That would be "interesting", but of little value. OpenOffice.org, Apache
OpenOffice, LibreOffice and numerous other OSS projects projects have
suffered this kind of fraud since the internet came into existence. Even
if we could cut off this one Google fraudster, he/it would simply
reappear under a different identity, along with hundreds of other
like-minded fraudsters out there.

Dave conveniently forgot to ask for that.
"conveniently..." What do you mean by this snotty attitude?

John, do you see how Max's above "hopefully" innocent comment can be
misinterpreted into something that was not intended. This is one of the
pitfalls of trying to provide user support without the ability to read
the mind of those who pose the question/issue.

We apologise for the misunderstanding.
+1 from me.

and hope that by now you found yourself an uninfected download for OpenOffice.
With the wisdom of hindsight, I think we can be confident that this is
the case.

Yours sincerely

After more than decade of "attempting" to provide support and
contributions to the OOo/AOO project, it appears that I lack the ability
to contribute anything worthwhile. Therefore, I will remove myself from
Apache and move on to other interests.


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