Am 09/12/2014 09:41 PM, schrieb Marcus:
Am 09/12/2014 01:58 PM, schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
Mathias Röllig wrote:

Marcus' latest version looks much nicer than my earlier attempts; maybe
we can add some text like changing the first line to "ApacheCon Europe
2014 - The official Apache conference" to make it clearer for visitors,
but small fixes can be done at any time.

thanks, done. As long as it is not yet really online more changes are easy.

I think*
will be merged.

The "Publish" operation of the website makes the copy, indeed.

I suggest 2014-eu-234x60.png also copy to this directory or it should be
linked from there.This bypass the predefined adblock filter.

This is being discusses on the community-dev list, see

but indeed we can use a local copy for both the banner on the home page
and the one in the footer while the issue is being solved.

Done for the new event box. Will do later for the footer.

now the footer gets the graphic logo also from the OpenOffice domain.


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