I have a feature suggestion for your team!

In the business world we use many spreadsheets.  Each spreadsheet has a
particular purpose.  For some the flow is left to right.  For others it is
top to bottom.  I event have some that are right to left.  The global
setting of which direction the cursor moves should be a spreadsheet setting
(and I thought it was at one time).  It is very inconvenient to have to go
into the global calc settings and change the cursor movement direction for
every spreadsheet.  And invariably, the next one I use will be the other
direction from the last one I used.  A "fix" for this situation would be
very convenient in the business world.

On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 1:42 AM, jan i <j...@apache.org> wrote:

> Welcome
> we are always happy to see volunteers. I spent part of my time mentoring
> student groups like yours.
> Bugzilla should be up to date with regard of status, so if you have found a
> bug report that is already fixed, then please mark it as such.
> You will see that BZ contains a number of bugs that are:
> - not really bugs, but user errors, these need to be commented and closed
> - bugs that are unconfirmed, these need to be confirmed and commented or
> closed
> - and of course real bugs, which are confirmed and wait to be solved.
> It is super that you have already build AOO, on which platform?
> We also have a label in BZ for "easy bugs" which you might want to look at.
> Feel free to ask on this list.
> rgds
> jan i
> On Tuesday, February 10, 2015, Logan Minnix <minni...@g.cofc.edu> wrote:
> > To whomever it may concern,
> >
> > My name's Logan. I'm part of a team of five people that want to help out
> > with Open Office. We're in a semester-long class until the end of April
> > that is going to be focused on fixing bugs, getting close to the open
> > source software's community, and reporting on our results.
> >
> > We picked Open Office because it's already a large, experienced community
> > with lots of documentation. You guys have a very active community, and
> it's
> > tough to know when to step in exactly, but I think we finally found that
> > point.
> >
> > What we've already done. We have downloaded, configured, and built the
> > source code. As a team, we tried finding a bug to fix, but it seems as
> > though it has already been fixed. After commenting on one of the reports,
> > we were then sent to this email here. So, if you have any unassigned bugs
> > or issues, then we'd love to help.
> >
> > Just a little background on how advanced we are, two of us have jobs in
> > programming, and all five us are seniors in a 400 level computer science
> > class.
> >
> > I can't wait to hear back from you.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> > Logan Minnix
> >
> --
> Sent from My iPad, sorry for any misspellings.

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