I have reached a relatively advanced stage of the building process and have 
been saving some queries in order to put these into a single e-mail, with an 
awareness that this is a busy mailing list, so hopefully not taking up too much 
of people's time.
I am building OpenOffice from source code on a Windows 7 platform.  All has 
gone smoothly and I am now at the point where I am about to call 'configure'.  
I am aware that the current building guide includes a call to configure which 
in turn includes the following arguments:
--with-epm-url="http://www.msweet.org/files/project2/epm-3.7-source.tar.gz"; \
I had assumed that the building guide was up to date, but am aware that dmake 
and epm now have more up to date versions and in the case of dmake, are now 
hosted in a different repository to the URL listed above.  Would my assumption 
therefore be reasonable in assuming that the calls above would work with the 
following URLs, which I believe are the most up to date:
It is also apparent that the versions are now different to those on the 
building guide.  Consequently, would anybody be able to clarify the following:
* DMAKE shows the most recent version as being 4_12_2_2; however, is this the 
stable version that should be used with the OpenOffice build?  It is not 
immediately clear from the github respository website, although I aknowledge 
that this may be due to my currently lack of familiarity with github.
* EPM shows the most recent stable version as being 4.2.  Accordingly, will the 
OpenOffice build still function with the newer 4.2 version of EPM?
In addition, I am aware that the OpenOffice building guide specifies that '.NET 
Framework 3.5. SP1' should be installed.  Having interrogated my current 
Windows platform through Control Panel, I already have '.NET Framework 4.5.2' 
installed.  My assumption would be that this does the same as version 3.5 SP1, 
meaning that there would be no need to install this also.  Is my assumpotion 
here correct, or does OpenOffice specifically require 3.5 SP1.  I note that the 
information held by Microsoft regarding the .NET Framework 4.5.1 download 
states that it "runs side-by-side with the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and earlier 
versions, but performs an in-place update for the .NET Framework 4 and the .NET 
Framework 4.5", which would indicate that perhaps 3.5 SP1 actually is required 
specifically.  As an aside, I have encountered difficulties installing 3.5 SP1, 
both using the bootstrapper, but also when downloading and manually installing 
the full update.  The install process appears to extract files, but then there 
is no further installation, although it appears that the 'Trusted Installer' is 
running in the background, but never seems to complete.  Has anybody 
experienced a similar issue with 3.5 SP1?
Thank you for your patience and please accept my apologies if I have asked 
questions that have obvious answers to those with experience of the project.
Best regards
Jason Marshall 

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