On 07/10/2015 12:00 AM, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
> On 09/07/2015 Kay Schenk wrote:
>> It seems we are still using the 410 branch for the 4.1.2 release.
> Yes we are. It's not the 410 branch, it's the "AOO410" branch and even
> though the naming is unfortunate and frankly speaking I do not like it
> and I would have preferred a dedicated "AOO412" branch, this is the
> pattern we already followed for the other releases see
> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/openoffice/branches/ (4.0.1 is the only
> x.y.1 release with an own branch) and code is already committed to it
> for 4.1.2.
> So for 4.1.2 (but we discussed it on this list several times so far, see
> messages from Armin for reasons) we are still applying the same
> convention, i.e., reusing the AOO410 branch.
>> quite a number of changes to trunk since the 4.1.1 release
>> that I feel ALL these should be incorporated into 4.1.2.
> Well no! Not all changes to trunk are suitable for an update such as
> 4.1.2, just changes that fix significant bugs. More in separate thread
> later today.

Maybe related to this -- an old query I have to track resolutions/fixes
EXPLICITLY slated for 4.1.1/4.2.0 (you need to be registered to run it)


>> How do we get the changes from trunk into the 410 branch easily?
> With SVN merge. But the AOO410 branch should be considered closed to
> commits, except those that are marked as "4.1.2 release blockers".
>> Wouldn't it be easier just to tag when we're ready to do the release
>> instead of all this back porting?
> No. Rationale is: we cherry-pick (after discussion/notification) commits
> from trunk to 4.1.2, and by default a commit is NOT copied to 4.1.2. In
> short: we keep the same discussion/quality standards we have always
> applied for other x.y.1 or x.y.2 releases.
>> [Jan] I dont like reusing 410 because if
>> we want to make a 4101 (security issues) it will be close
>> to impossible.
> We don't and we never did. Security updates to 4.1.0 are shipped in
> 4.1.1, and security updates for 4.1.1 are shipped in 4.1.2; we don't go
> back to 4.1.0 and generate a for it, this is not our release model.
> Regards,
>   Andrea.
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