Hi everyone
I am at the final stage of building Openoffice on a 32-bit Windows 7 platform, 
such that I have called 'build --all' and the script has commenced running.  
All has been well until the script has stopped some way through with the 
following error:
Building module comphelper
Entering /tmp/aoo-4.1.1/main/comphelper/prj
cd .. && make -s -r -j1   && make -s -r deliverlog
[ info  ALL ] LinkTarget Library/isal.lib not defined: Assuming headers to be 
[ info  ALL ] LinkTarget Library/icppuhelper.lib not defined: Assuming headers 
to be there!
[ info  ALL ] LinkTarget Library/icppu.lib not defined: Assuming headers to be 
[ info  ALL ] LinkTarget Library/iucbhelper.lib not defined: Assuming headers 
to be there!
[ info  ALL ] LinkTarget Library/ivos.lib not defined: Assuming headers to be 
[ info  ALL ] LinkTarget Library/msvcprt.lib not defined: Assuming headers to 
be there!
[ info  ALL ] LinkTarget Library/uwinapi.lib not defined: Assuming headers to 
be there!
[ info  ALL ] LinkTarget Library/kernel32.lib not defined: Assuming headers to 
be there!
[ info  ALL ] LinkTarget Library/msvcrt.lib not defined: Assuming headers to be 
[ info  ALL ] LinkTarget Library/oldnames.lib not defined: Assuming headers to 
be there!
[ build PKG ] comphelper_inc
[ build PCH ] precompiled_comphelper
awk: fatal: can't open source file 
`C:/cygwinc:/cygwin/tmp/aoo-4.1.1/main/solenv/gbuild/processdeps.awk' for 
reading (No such file or directory)
C:/cygwin/tmp/aoo-4.1.1/main/solenv/gbuild/PrecompiledHeaders.mk:49: recipe for 
make: *** 
 Error 2
dmake:  Error code 2, while making 'all'
1 module(s):
need(s) to be rebuilt
ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making /tmp/aoo-4.1.1/main/comphelper/prj
When you have fixed the errors in that module you can resume the build by 
        build --all:comphelper
I have noted that likely the reason for this is because the script seems to be 
attempting to access the file 'processdeps.awk' but using an erroneous and 
non-sensical directory as follows:
As you can see, the script appears to have somehow used 'c:\cygwin' twice at 
the start of the path.
I have manually checked for the 'processdeps.awk' file and can confirm that it 
does exist, but at the following path:
My assumption would be that somewhere a conversion between Windows and Cygwin 
paths has gone wrong.  While I do have some knowledge of shell scripting and 
have looked at the file that the 'build --all' command calls, it is a very long 
script and I have found it difficult to identify where this erroneous directory 
is being generated and then an attempt to access the file is actually made.  I 
suspect that my difficulty is partly in not knowing from first principles how 
the build script works, meaning that I am attempting to reverse-engineer the 
script in order to track-down where things are going wrong.  I was able to do a 
similar thing in the 'bootstrap' script for a different issue, but this is 
perhaps a simpler script. Would anyone have any ideas as to why the problem 
above is occurring and how I may address this in order to complete the build? 
Thank you for your help. Best regards Jason


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