Indeed. By the time I've pinged our SiteOps they had already fixed that.
Sorry for the inconvenience.


2016-01-15 18:33 GMT+01:00 Marcus <>:

> Am 01/15/2016 06:30 PM, schrieb Roberto Galoppini:
>> Just confirming we had an issue and it was resolved.
> that explains the 3 reports within 1.5 hours. ;-)
> Marcus
> 2016-01-15 18:00 GMT+01:00 Marcus<>:
>> I cannot see any download problems. Please tray again maybe it was a
>>> temporary problem.
>>> Marcus
>>> Am 01/15/2016 03:19 PM, schrieb Jen Reese:
>>> Hello,
>>>> I am attempting to download open office for mac. These are the details.
>>>> Problem description     Exchange this text to describe the problem
>>>> (What does not work? What do you expect?)
>>>> Browser variables       Values
>>>> [...]
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