Thank you, Pedro, for some specific features you use.

On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 9:02 AM, Pedro <> wrote:

> Hi Chuck
> I'm a simple user so the code base and license are completely irrelevant to
>> me.  What IS relevant is the way the software works.  So, please, can you
>> tell me half a dozen things that LO can do that OO cannot do?
> There are in fact a few useful features in LO that AOO does not have:
> 1) Opening/saving remote files from several sources (OwnCloud, WebDAV,
> Google Drive, etc)
> 2) Opening recent MS XML documents (quite a few show better results in LO
> than AOO)
> 3) Saving in MS XML format. This is useful for exchanging documents with
> those who can't or won't use LO or AOO, although it's true that saving in
> this format is the wrong way to push ODF (and document freedom) forward
> 4) Using fast data filters in Calc (just check/uncheck items instead of
> using the not-so-friendly Standard Filter)
> 5) Use a full window width horizontal scroll bar in Calc (this is unique
> in LO) instead of a scroll bar limited to the space to the left of the
> sheet tabs
> It's nearly half a dozen but are the ones I find really important on my
> day-to-day work...
> Regards,
> Pedro
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