Am 14.01.2017 um 00:55 schrieb Peter Kovacs:

> You see that on the LO vs. OO discussion. Most of the LO argument are
> market based one. If you think outside the market its all not an issue.
> What Reamains is the strength of Open source as such.
> In my eyes we are in a super strong position, as long as we have a
> commiter base that work for the greater good. And I am very convinced on
> the Open Office future.

The question is, what "market based" mean.

If it means, that we take care of the users needs and wishes, it is a
good attitude. Observing the user experience and their work flows is
very usefull for example.

In the Free Software community some developers make good code, which is
useable only by geeks. And it is also not really usefull to create the
10000th editor or the 1000th Linux distribution.

If "market based" means to look how to earn the best profit, it might be

Kind regards

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