Am 08.03.2017 um 11:09 schrieb Mathias Röllig:
Can we have a new value "future" ("none" or something other) for the
field Version in IssueZilla to use for ENHANCEMENT requests?

the field "Version" is bound to the products and not to the issue types or status. So, the answer to your question is: No. ;-)

What does not exist has no version number, right?
If anyone grab the issue and is working on it then he should change the
value to the desired version.

PS: "none" could also be a separate value for RESOLVED – NOT AN ISSUE.
I imagine that "none" could be set automatically for NOT AN ISSUE and
"future" is set automatically for and only for ENHANCEMENT.

I think you mixup the fields "Version" and "Target Milestone". Here are the field descriptions from Bugzilla:


The oldest version of the software the issue can be found in.

Target Milestone
The Target Milestone field is used to define when the engineer the issue is assigned to expects to fix it.


So, I think you want something that is already usable in "Target Milestone". There should be a none-number value you can choose.


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