Thanks for the suggestions.

I am doing a clean build, but it takes a while on Windows 8.1. I have 441 GB of free space on the disk, so I don't think that is the problem.

On 6/2/2017 11:02 AM, Marcus wrote:
Am 02.06.2017 um 18:51 schrieb Patricia Shanahan:
I checked out 4.1.4, and tried to build it, Windows 8.1. The build
fails right at the end. I'm attaching my configure parameters. Any
tips for how to fix this?

no real "hacker" solutions but some general questions:

- It's failing quit at the end (building the install files), so maybe
  the build options are no longer a problem.
- The same problem again after starting a complete new build?
- Also after you have cleaned-up everything?
- Enough disk space?



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