Peter Kovacs wrote: ...
The best way imho is to let the users vote. How about follwing flow:
1) check if we can include the extention by license or find an
agreement with the maintainers.
2) Put a call to Vote if the package should be included or not on the
Forums, as sticky.
3) advertise the vote and have a discussion with the community.
(Announcement, Youtube, Googleplus, facebook, user mailing list
4) After a month we gather the results and follow the desicion.

Well, if you get past item 1 then you are done! Seriously, if new code is contributed and available I don't see reasons to keep it out (note: I see this as a reasonable feature for Calc).

Actually, there is an "item zero" which is preliminary to all this discussion, and it is:

0) Does the extension work with the latest OpenOffice release? Does it actually do what one would expect from the issue or not?

If the answer to item 0 is "no", then the entire discussion is pointless. I haven't tested and I don't have time now, but the latest release of that extension is quite old, so I wouldn't take for granted that it works.


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