Hi Don,
There are several posts on the user forum about similar problems. For
example https://forum.openoffice.org/en/forum/viewtopic.php?p=536089#p536089
The suggested solution is:
" Windows 11 has a new Clipboard Manager - go to Start > Settings, Click
Clipboard on the System tab and turn off *Suggested Actions*; if that
doesn't help, try turning off *Clipboard History"*
Please let us know if that works.

On Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 8:22 AM sau...@optimum.net sau...@optimum.net <
sau...@optimum.net> wrote:

> Hi,  My name is Donald Sauer. I have been working with Open Office with
> Windows products from XP.   I am not sure where the problem starts. With
> a speadsheets, Windows 11 or 11 Pro, when try to copy a line, cell,
> sheet, from a current spreadsheet the product freezes and I can do any
> other function with that spreadsheet. I must kill Open Office and
> restart it. This is with both older spreeadsheets created with an older
> Windows products, it continues to work with out any problems? I am not
> sure if you are aware of this problem? I would more than happy to work
> with folks, if you would require any further info or details of this
> problem. Of course any fixes or updates that may be availble. My level
> of Open Office is the latest from your site, Apache Open Office 4,
> 4.1.15 Date 2023-11-20 17:44.
> Thank you for any Help, or info on this concern.
> Don

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