
While developing the patch for bug 112829, I saw that our clipboard formats
for WMF and EMF are
"application/x-openoffice-wmf;windows_formatname=\"Image WMF\"" and
"application/x-openoffice-emf;windows_formatname=\"Image EMF\"". This leads
to other applications being able to paste WMF and EMF from OpenOffice on
Windows, where the clipboard format is generated from the "Image WMF" or
"Image EMF" parameter, but being unable to paste on Linux/FreeBSD and
probably macOS, where the clipboard format is that whole unusual string.

In 2016, RFC 7093 (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7903)
standardized WMF and EMF as image/wmf and image/emf, and these appear on
IANA's list of official MIME types. Should we change our MIME types to
those? Ideally we would use the MIME types supported by other applications.
But at least "image/wmf" and "image/emf" have a chance of working on some
of them, while the application-specific "application/x-openoffice-wmf" and
""application/x-openoffice-emf" never will.

Should we change the MIME types to "image/wmf" and "image/emf"? We would
presumably also keep aliases like "image/x-wmf" and "image/x-emf". Inkscape
can paste "image/x-emf". Should we keep the existing MIME types as aliases
too, so we can copy and paste to and from LibreOffice?


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