Tobias Himstedt wrote:
>  >>   oleClientSite = new OleClientSite(oleFrame, SWT.NONE,
>  >>"opendocument.WriterDocument.1");
>  >
>  >
>  > That pretty much looks like OLE stuff.
> Yes, internalay this method results in a JNI which in 
> turn calls a OleSave function (where ever that comes from).

OleSave is a Windows API call that can be used to retrieve the stored
content of an embedded OLE object.

>> The appearance of the filter dialog (as mentioned in your first mail)
>> seems to tell us that the file misses a proper MediaType. Is there a
>> manifest.xml with the correct type added?
> No this is missing too.

OK, that explains why you get the dialog. It should load in OOo1.1 and
later developer builds of OOo2.0 though if you select the correct filter.

>> To my knowledge the file stream OO stores into the OLE storage is a
>> complete OOo document, so it's a miracle to me how something can get
>> lost. Maybe SWT manipulates the file?!
> Unlikly as SWT does not know any internals of the embedded document and 
> why should it just pick out the manifest.xml?

I puzzled about this. If OOo documents are embedded as OLE servers they
store themselves as OLE storage that contains a stream named
"package_stream" and contains the whole zip file as usual. So an OleSave
should give you the OLE storage (that does not look like a zip file, so
it's not what you obviously got).

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - Application Framework Project Lead
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