Ales Kahanek wrote:

> What do you think about following solution built in the standard OOo 
> instalation: when starting saving document OOo will create a very small 
> file (only a several bytes) with name corresponding with the original 
> file and remove this temporary file after saving is finished. Then the 
> existence of such file could be checked.

This process would be technically possible, but we wouldn't like to
integrat this into the "standard" version.

You could create such a solution by yourself, either as a macro or as a
Java or C++ component. This will also be much faster available. :-)

As it seems you don't apply any modifications to the Ooo installation,
but you deliver your application to your users, right?
Do they have to execute a setup for this? You could deliver the macro or
component mentioned above as a UNO package and integrate it into your
installation so that no user needs to do anything manually.

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - Application Framework Project Lead
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