Dear developers,

I had a poster in the size of 36" x 48" using OOo Impress in the
versions 1.1.4, 2.0beta2, german and english edition.

The background was a gradient from the left-top-corner to the
right-bottom-corner. On the monitor everythng was ok.

When I printed it to my postscript-printer (to file as well to paper)
there was a frame around every gradient-tile (every tile had only 1
color (monochrome), so all tiles made the gradient over the full page).
Exporting the file to pdf is the same matter. Exporting it to tiff or
png the gradient was very fine, without frames around the tiles but the
resolution was not free to configure.

My wishes are:
* be free to modify the export-resolution of bitmap-exports (knowing
about export in my case may produces lvery large tif/png-files)
* discarding the frames around the tiles using a gradient.

Thanks a lot

Martin Kubiak

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