Kohei Yoshida wrote:

> 2) The target audience is not very clear.  Thanks to this thread,
> though, now I'm beginning to see who the specification documents are
> intended for (mostly for QA, right?).  
Not exclusively. Also developers will benefit from a spec if they have
to refactor/change/extend the code later on. Believe me, I can't count
the occasions any more where I would have been glad to have a
specification for a feature that needed a larger rework. Without a spec
we very often are standing in the dark and hope to be lucky not to
damage too much things just because we just don't know about their
existence. If you contribute features to a project you should see that
you add something useful to the project but also a legacy for the code
owner who has to maintain your code in the future. Code alone isn't
documentation enough, even for developers.

Just a thought worth another 2ct, IMHO.

Mathias Bauer - OpenOffice.org Application Framework Project Lead
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