On 17/05/2011 06:59, Meenakshi Kanaujia wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using LibreOffice 3.3.2 on Ubuntu 10.04.
> I am creating doc using writer.
> I am creating some custom properties in that.
> All custom properties are preserved when doc is saved in .odt format.
> But when I saved same doc with .doc extension, close and re-open all the
> custom properties are gone.
> Can any one tell me the reason.
> I was working fine in Openoffice 3.2.0.

can you try if it works for you in OOo 3.4 beta?
it seems to work for me at least...

if OOo works for you, but LibreOffice does not, then i guess you should
file a bug with LibreOffice, they must have broken something :)

"No bird soars too high, if he soars with his own wings."
 -- William Blake, "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell",
    Proverbs of Hell (Plate 7)

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