This is another thread forked from:

 2. Potential dead lock
 A code for crash reporter has a potential, dead lock problem.

Here are codes to avoid a potential deadlock that might occurs
during preparation of crash report.

(a) Provided a set of alternate library functions for fopen(), fprintf(), ...
(b) Replaced functions such as fprintf(), fputs() with the alternatives.
(c) Replaced functions such as fopen(), fread() with open(), read().
(d) Substituted rtl_uString to char *
(e) Changed the timing of evaluating command line options from the
    inside of signal handler to the inside of SAL initialization.

Notes: Original codes that I wrote included more additional lines. The
files above are manually rewritten by removing unrelated code fragments
from the original ones. I think the codes above work well since the
original ones are working, but not yet tested the above ones at all.

Best regards,

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