>> I'd like to include full changeset information in diffs but it's not
>> trivial.  I'm not sure if I'll ever get to this personally.  I'd love to
>> see somebody take it on though.
> I'll have a look at it but I don't want to get your hopes up :)

I had a look and my initial enthusiasm has been dampened a little.....a lot :)

I think I understand the PostgreSQL/Skytools/xmin/transaction stuff
now but I have to admit that I have problems with all the
indirections/layers/redirections in EntityDao and some other classes.
But it seems to me that it wouldn't be the best idea to make Changeset
an Entity subclass as there are just too many differences.
ReplicationDestination on the other hand needs ChangeContainers which
require EntityContainers, which require Entity objects. Some of the
functions in EntityDao don't apply either (changeset has no version or
"timestamp", ...). In addition the OSMWriter would have to be extended
and a ChangesetWriter needs to be written. I could certainly try to
hack something together but I'm afraid that it'd fall short of your
code standards :)

* I _only_ looked at the replication task, so it is _very_ possible
that I overlooked something and my changes would break compatibility.
I'll have a second look at this
* The xmin-index for the changeset-table would have to be created but
I suppose that wouldn't be a big problem

But I'd be glad if you could give me any pointers. I still won't
promise anything but I'm still reading the code...so who knows.

On another note: Has anyone ever had a look at alternative database
systems for OSM? No, I don't propose a change! I'd just be interested
if anyone had a look at systems like HBase, MonetDB (Stefan de Konink
does a lot of stuff with MonetDB if I remember correctly), MongoDB,
CouchDB, Cassandra, ... and their possible use cases for OSM.

Thanks Frederik for the hint about planetdump!


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