Ok, well I am going to first work on making the mapnik be able to
render an osm file standalone without postgis,
will report back when that works.

On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 3:50 PM, Stefan de Konink <ste...@konink.de> wrote:
> Op 08-01-10 15:39, jamesmikedup...@googlemail.com schreef:
>>> Tiny would have to be an osmtile in binary format, agreed?
>> Yes, well if you sort the data properly then mapnik would just render
>> the data in a sax callback,  right?
> Jup, but you will never get better results of that storing in parts than
> having it stored in one file and having an index to it. So in that respect
> you have to mmap the file, for example a post/plane parser, extract the
> childs, send the childs to Mapnik.
> I have tested this using MonetDB/XML, that wasn't really a succes ;) Either
> way you need something that stores that creates an index by a bounding box.
> You can use rtree's for that sure. But we already have shown that sideway
> cracking gives far better results. [google: sideway cracking databases]
>>> You don't want to store it in XML, it will get huge... and requires
>>> again the parsing overhead. And as I pointed out before, we prefer to
>>> render 64 tiles at a time.
>> So, you would have 64 tiles of data in one page.... How big is that?
>> the size of a city.
> All depending on the zoom level :)
>> Well I have gotten the parsing down to very small using sax2, it is
>> just a bit slower than reading the file.
>> If you sort the xml data topologically and pack it all in, it could be
>> very easy to process.
> But how are you going to store this, for example if we take a *perfect*
> filesystem. Will you store everything by nodeid, wayid, relationid? OR will
> you store everything that is in a tile, in a file marking the tile, having
> the same structure as the tile server uses?
>> I will have to work through the entire pipeline of processing to see
>> if it fits my model, I risk having to put my foot in my mouth here....
> Sure :) Just start with some smaller country and try to prevent bottlenecks.
> The worse thing that can happen is TomH saying you are a 'Bonker' (whatever
> that may mean).
> Stefan

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