lets see the c0d3!

On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 1:15 AM, Daniel Lissner <dliss...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello OSM developers,
> I am a computer scientist researcher at the University of Memphis
> Computer Science Dept. In a recent project, we needed a representation
> of the road network which would provide us with information about
> connectivity and distance between sections of road. We found that the
> OSM data provided a suitable platform to build such a graph-like
> structure.
> I have written a java program to process the XML format OSM data and
> achieve this. Currently, each sequential pair of nodes referenced in
> the WAY elements of roads are considered as a section of road. their
> lat/long coords are passed to a method to calculate their distance via
> law of spherical cosines and haversine formula. After every Way in the
> dataset is processed, another method populates adjacency and incidence
> information. Each "road section" (essentially a graph edge) knows
> which road sections it is adjacent to, the two node points that make
> its end points, its distance, it's heading (in respect to North) and
> its street name. Thus far we are not very concerned with other
> metadata but it's certainly feasible n possible to include. Further,
> each node (essentially a graph vertex) knows its reference number, its
> lat/lng coords, and all of the road sections which are incident to it.
> The purpose of this structure for us was to serve as a state model for
> simulations for our research work. While I'm not at liberty to share
> all of our research purposes at this time, I am however able to share
> the code I wrote which processes the osm data and creates a graph
> structure of the road network.
> The first version simply instantiates and populates several java
> objects, which we tried to design and code as clean and efficiently as
> possible. We are now migrating the processor to instead store the data
> in a MySQL database.
> So, I am writing the mailing list to ask if the osm developer
> community would find any use for this little utility which creates a
> connected graph structure of Ways, either as a straightforward set of
> java objects or as a MySQL database. OSM has benefited our research
> and I would certainly like to give back.
> Thanks,
> Daniel
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