On 9 Nov 2010, at 22:47, Nick Whitelegg wrote:

> Basically OSM for the UK has been loaded into a database called 'gis'. I've 
> also imported SRTM contour data, using the standard approach documented in 
> the wiki, into a database called 'nickw' which I have full rights over 
> (unlike the 'gis' database). I've granted SELECT privileges to the 'gis' user 
> into this 'nickw' database but am getting the following error :
> Nov  9 22:03:04 tilesrv renderd[13669]: An error occurred while loading the 
> map layer 'openfootmap': PSQL error:#012ERROR:  permission denied for 
> relation geometry_columns#012Full sql was: 'SELECT f_geometry_column, srid 
> FROM geometry_columns WHERE f_table_name='contours''#012 (encountered during 
> parsing of layer 'srtm_10')
> It seems that the 'gis' user cannot access the 'nickw' database for some 
> reason.

Hi Nick,

Most permissions are at table level, \dp from psql client shows you what 
permissions currently exist.

I've just granted the gis user select on geometry_columns and the contours are 
now displaying.

Chris Jones, SUCS Admin

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