Am 04.02.2012 17:35, schrieb Martijn van Exel:

I want to create historical snapshots of small (county-sized) areas
from the full history planet for analysis purposes. Say, one file for
every three months since 2007. My current approach is to first create
the full planet snapshots from the full history planet using osmium,

Which tool are you using for this?

and then creating the smaller files from that using osmhistorysplitter
(I'm thinking of using the hierarchical splitting feature to first
create state-sized files and county-sized files from that).

But: how hard would it be to adapt osmhistorysplitter to do this all
in one go? Or maybe there already is a smarter way to do this that I
don't know about. My C++ skills are all but nonexistant, but I'm not
afraid of python and only a little of perl.

It's of course possible to do that in C++ but I tend to use a higher level programming language for those not-so-critical tasks. You may take a look at, which is a script that takes all clipbounds from the clipbounds folder ans tries to sort them in order to call the splitter and generate extracts in a hierarchical manner.

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