Am 31.03.2012 21:12, schrieb Phil! Gold:
* Sven Geggus<>  [2012-03-31 16:06 +0000]:
is it possible to have different rendering rules based on the area
where rendring takes place using an ordinary mapnik rendering stack

Supposedly yes.  MapQuest uses has three different stylesheets that they
use for their tiles and the appropriate one is selected based on where the
rendered data is.

It won't work without adapting the source. You can choose which source you want to adapt:
 - The Style: use different layers for the areas whith 'SELECT WHERE
   ST_Inside(way, ...)'-style queries - simple but slow
 - mapnik: somehow..
 - mod_tile: switch between different maps depending on the requested
 - The Client (OpenLayers/Leaflet): enable/disable base-layers
   depending on the visible area

Choose whichever way fits your needs best - and tell us about.

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