Hey Sly,

> This only is my opinion, but wishlists shouldn't be reduced to those
subscribed to dev@
Maybe start on dev, but I think a wiki page should better be suited for a
summary of the ~3/5 tasks to focus on.

Yes and no. Everything is a trade between being totally open (announce it
on IRC and see what the crowd thinks!) and being totally productive (hole
up and just do it until you're done and then realize it's duplicated

For the 'we have tasks' stage, I'd like to handle this in GitHub issues,
because they are focused on doing things. There are existing wiki pages for
improvements (top ten tasks, api 0.7, improving openstreetmap) which have
shown at best mixed success of staying updated and being good for the
'actual doing things' collaboration phase.


On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 6:08 AM, sly (sylvain letuffe) <li...@letuffe.org>wrote:

> On vendredi 12 octobre 2012, Tom MacWright wrote:
> > Hey all (or, well, those subscribed to dev@ - my flamewar shields are at
> > 50% so I'm not risking an email to talk),
> This only is my opinion, but wishlists shouldn't be reduced to those
> subscribed to dev@
> Maybe start on dev, but I think a wiki page should better be suited for a
> summary of the ~3/5 tasks to focus on.
> > What do you want to see happen with OSM's software this year?
> So many things on my side that I don't see how we can decide this on a
> mailing
> list in one thread.
> Better list, then short list, then vote (or kind of) and focus on few
> tasks.
> --
> sly
> qui suis-je : http://sly.letuffe.org
> email perso : sylvain chez letuffe un point org
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